
For Third Culture & Missionary Kids

Youth Ministries: Main office located in the Key building, room 348

TCK Helpers

This rent–a–missionary–kid service offers babysitting, yard work, cleaning, pet care, house cleaning, and handyman jobs.

$10 per man-hour (suggested donation)
Contact Rent an TCK .

Jr. High and Sr. High TCK groups

Teens meet each Monday night for worship, Bible study, and small groups.
Contact Caleb Robbins, (214) 558-8431, Nadia Walkinshaw, (214) 336-2763 or Noelle Garvey (651) 402-1942

Kids on the Go

4th–6th Graders
Twice a month, 4:00pm

Contact Jennifer Humiston
(573) 822-5682 or Noelle Garvey (651) 402-1942

Young Adult and College Ministry

Contact Coordinator of TCK Ministries:
Caleb Robbins, (214) 558-8431



Parenting Support

Moms in Prayer

Meet weekly during the school year to pray for children, teachers, and school. Includes preschool through college and career, working moms, and bilingual groups. Contact Glenna Sollenberger, (972) 849-8796 (mobile), or Susan Jones, (972) 890-2887.

Third Culture Kids (TCK) Needs

SIL’s Global TCK Care & Education has information on missionary kids, third culture kids, parenting, child development, and transitioning to college, as well as resources for others working with MKs and TCKs on their website. Questions? Contact Global TCK Care & Education.



Child Care Options Nearby

These recommendations are based on the community’s input. The ILC does not officially recommend or promote any businesses here. Please contact each business or organization directly for more information.

There are also members of the community who have lots of child care experience at reasonable rate, please use the ILC Electronic Bulletin Board or ask community members in person to find out more.