Update about ILC Traffic Rules

We are restricting vehicle traffic in certain areas of the International Linguistics Center.

These stretches of road are in severe disrepair after many years of vehicle use. Over many years the Facilities Department has cared for the pavement with deliberate attention allowing for use way beyond their typical lifespan. This delay has allowed the putting off of the high expense of replacing the worn roadway surfaces. The COVID-19 impact on the Center has delayed the resurfacing indefinitely.

The roadway in front of the Pike building and the Dining Hall are for emergency and service access only. Please only use the East gate to get to where you need to go. The West Gate will only be used for DIU Parking. Use the roadway of the Key Building to go to the Guest House, Activity Center and the Event Center. Use the road way of the Mosher (warehouse) Building to go to Cowan, RV Park, Member Services, Student Center and Swimming Pool. There is a gravel road near the Mosher building to go to the Mobile Homes Park.

—Mark Kull, Center Director
